Best Places to Meet Filipinas

  When it comes to meeting beautiful women in the Philippines, one doesn’t have to look too far.  Or, for that matter, all that hard. Lovely ladies are literally everywhere, and there are times when I start to wonder if they are not growing them on trees or plantations somewhere.  And you don’t have to take my word for it.  My conclusion is bolstered by hundreds of thousands of foreigners arriving in the Philippines every month.  That’s a LOT of people, and one can easily conclude that the majority of them are certainly not coming for the ‘exquisite’ Filipino food.

Most assume that many of these world travelers are coming for the sex workers.  Yes, prostitution is alive and well in the Philippines.  Income derived from these services probably rivals that of overseas remittances from Overseas Filipino Workers and the billions coming in from call centers and other business product outsourcing. That aside, realize that many people are coming over to simply meet beautiful women and see what happens – more than likely having sex along the way, because that’s what occasionally happens in relationships.  😉   Meeting women is a lot easier in the Philippines than it is in the West, and for those with fish-pale skin and giant noses, you’ll actually find those to be of an inherent physical advantage.  Smiling, initiating conversation, being polite and light-hearted and having a laugh goes a lot further in the Philippines for the average gent than it does in the West.

Filipinas are the most approachable and friendly women I have encountered in the world. Whether your intentions are seeking sexual solace, casual dating or something even more serious, most people who have traveled around would most likely to agree – Filipinas are simply the best.  (They are also the ‘naughtiest,’ but I will leave that for another article!)

But enough rambling – let’s get into examine different places to meet Filipinas.  Ya know – the gist of this article.

Public Venues
It’s a cliché, but there’s a lot of truth to it: You will most likely notice Filipinas giving you looks as soon as you step off the plane  – some quite overt, others a bit more subtle.  Filipinos tend to be rather curious and since there are less foreigners in the Philippines than in Thailand, you will notice their glances right away.  A good location for meeting a Filipina starts at any local mall.  Malls in the Philippines are massive, and they are nearly always overflowing with shoppers, people watchers or those simply seeking to hang out in air-conditioned comfort.  People there are usually in a chipper mood (shopping brings out the best in Filipinas), so your chances of success are pretty good.

Keep in mind that even they might be looking at you and smiling (even giggling is a good sign), it doesn’t mean they are going to throw themselves at you.  Filipinas are fairly shy and societal convention usually frowns upon aggressive behavior from the fairer sex.  So, once you get those looks, it’s time to cowboy up and make the move.  Yep, the onus of responsibility is on you.

Don’t just limit yourself to malls, however.  Other public places to meet Filipinas include markets, public parks and beaches or just about anywhere people are likely to congregate.  There’s literally millions of attractive and available Filipinas in the Philippines.  So, get out there and find them!

Bars and Clubs
Although they are also technically “public venues,” bars and clubs warrant their own separate section.  Filipinas (and Filipinos) are social beasts and love nothing more than going out and partying/dancing until the very early hours.  Nightclubs and bars can be found all across the island nation, and a foreigner showing up neatly dressed (no cargo shorts and grimy t-shirts!) will garner a great deal of attention.

Although definitely a good time, there are two issues with nightclubs and bars that need to be addressed.  The first problem is if it is primarily a Filipino bar.  If that’s the case, you might be met with a certain level of resentment from the guys – especially if it is late, everyone is drunk and they see the girls giving you a lot of attention.  The second issue is of immediate physical harm problem and has to do with the preponderance of ‘semi-pros’ in the Philippines.  That is, women who will be willing to go home with you but will expect some form of monetary compensation.  Yes, they are basically prostitutes but will never admit to that – and don’t even think of implying it in any way.  Still, it’s a bit of a pain in the butt when you’ve been (apparently) successfully chatting up a Filipina over a few drinks and she starts dropping hints about being paid.  Sometimes these money requests are rather plain, and other times they will couch underneath telling you about their sick grandmother, pregnant sister or the like.  If you end up taking these women back to your place, treat them like any other prostitute – don’t leave your valuables out (everything in the hotel safe!).

Despite the two noted issues, I have found bars and clubs to be a hoot – especially if it’s a group of guys going out for a night on the town.  Simply sidling up to the bar, having a drink and taking in the experience is something that shouldn’t be missed!

Ladies of the Night
The easiest way to meet Filipinas wiling to have a good time is simply to engage the services of a professional sex worker.  They are common all throughout the Philippines, and one generally doesn’t have to look far to find one.  Even smaller cities like Dumaguete, Tacloban  and Tagbilaran have numerous hookers, some working in small girly bars but most working in the shadier sections of town. Bigger cities like Cebu and Manila will have more extensive offerings, of course, but be assured that ladies are available virtually anywhere in the Philippines.

You will encounter two types of lady workers in the Philippines – straight-up bar-finable bar Filipina prostitutes and more casual freelancers.  Freelancers include the ‘semi-pro’s’ mentioned in the previous section or simply women who aren’t working in an established sex clubs.  They can be found all over the Philippines – clubs, bars, KTV joints, malls or even wandering aimlessly around in the streets.  Generally, they will be easy to identify through their decidedly aggressive approach and utter lack of shame (walang hiya!).  Freelancers will generally be cheaper than bar girls, but you also might encounter more problems with them due to the more anonymous nature of the engagement.  Full-on prostitutes working in dedicated girly bars will usually be younger, more attractive but also much more expensive.  Expect to pay 3,000 pesos for a bar girl and 1,000-2,000 pesos for a freelancer.  (Note that some of the more high-level bars will sometimes have bar fines approaching 6,000 pesos or more – a ridiculous amount of money to pay in my humble opinion.)

QUICK ASIDE:  The Three-Three-and-Three is alive and well throughout the Philippines bar-girl population.  The term is targeted towards Asian (Korean, Japanese and Chinese) clients and refers to ‘Three thousand pesos, Three minutes and Three inches.” Ouch.

Online Dating Sites
When it comes to meeting Filipinas, I have saved the best for last. Or at least what is – in my humble opinion – the best approach.  Online dating is HUGE in the Philippines and is a convenient (and effective) option for those not wanting to approach random strangers or hang out in sketchy girly bars.  Same goes for wasting an evening talking with a pretty Filipina in a nightclub only to find out that she is a freelancer/semi-pro.  Tens of thousands of available Filipinas are signed up, and the convenience and efficiency gained thorough this approach is the most viable way to meet willing Filipinas.  Simply sign up, fill out your profile, upload a photo and wait for your inbox to get flooded by inquisitive Filipinas.  This approach also does away with the social stigma of approaching Filipinas in public.  They are less likely to put up that whole ‘shy’ thing when they know no one is looking.  It’s just a whole lot easier.

You can read more about my favorite online dating sites to meet Filipinas HERE.

So, I hope I have been able to provide a simple outline of good places to meet Filipinas.  If you have anything to add to the discussion, please feel free to leave a comment.

Salamat po!

Cory X.

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